Moving On…..

Hey Guys!

Thanks for all the very nice comments on my last Blog. I really appreciate it.

So as the story goes…the show must go on…

So I am going to spend alot of time the next few days trying to get caught up on my affiliate marketing business.I have quite a bit of catching up to do.

From finishing my funnels, to further updating my website, to setting up social media accounts, to emailing my followers.Whew…I’m getting tired just thinking about it!

So hopefully in the very near future, you will see some neat new stuff.

So keep on following me and watch things evolve!

Look forward to chatting with you all soon.

Jim O’Brien

13 responses to “Moving On…..”

  1. Sarah Goulding Avatar

    Keep going! It seems a lot to do, but take small chunks out of your list and it won’t be as overwhelming.
    What platforms are you thinking for social media?

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Sarah,
      Thanks for the comment. The idea of doing little chunks at a time is good. I will keep that in mind.And I am looking forward to using all of the social media outlets, but will probably start with Tik Tok and You Tube.

  2. Nakina Lawson Avatar

    Just keep going, Jim! You’ll get there 🙂
    Tiny steps by tiny steps and the dance will be danced.
    Maybe turn up the music, Lol!
    Cheers to you!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Nakina!
      Yes tiny steps by tiny steps. And yes I will turn up the music!
      Thanks for your comment .Look forward to talking to you soon.

  3. Alison Blaire Avatar

    Small steps every day lead to big goals being accomplished, keep going and move at your own pace!!!!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hi Alison,
      Great advice! Thanks for the comment. Look forward to talking again soon.

  4. Atif Perwiz Avatar

    Jim, keep going and you’ll get there. We all have things going on at work and at home that impact our time. It’s okay to change the plan but don’t change the goal. Take care thanks, Atif

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Atif!
      Nice words of wisdom my friend…It’s ok to change the plan, but don’t change the goal…..I like that…Look forward to ourt next chat…

  5. Chigs Avatar

    Hey Jim,

    Keep going, man. You will definitely achieve your goals which you have set out to achieve. Don’t get side-tracked!

    All the best!


    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Chigs,
      Thanks for the comment. I am really trying to focus on certain things now and not be so widespread. We gotta keep on , keepin on! Look forward to talking with you again soon…

  6. Robert Klein Avatar

    Jim, I’ve come to realize that the task of finishing funnels is a never-ending story. There is always some worthy cause to setup a web page and/or funnel for. Plus it gives us great practice. Seeing as the show must go on – I bet you’ll soon be saying, “That’s a perfect job for a funnel!”.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Robert!

      Thanks for your comment. I love your ideas about funnels.
      And yes, I am sure I will soon be saying, ‘That’s a perfect job for a funnel !’

  7. CJ Avatar


    Keep on keeping on. You got this! I look forward to seeing your progress.


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