Merry Christmas!

Well I hope you had a great Christmas.I am taking a moment to write my second blog post to keep you informed on what I’m doing.

I have been going thru the new training with Dean Holland on the new Affiliate system which is amazing and has so much great new things to advance my business.

Before I went thru his accelerator course which was great after getting his awesome book that I read and was fantastic as well. Folks I can’t emphasize enough how important a mentor is..

It really helps to keep you from getting stuck.Well I am continuing to do lots of training with Dean and I am continuing to build my website and write my blog and working on other exciting things like traffic as well. So keep following me here,as I will keep posting every week,so you can see what I am doing from the beginning to make this online business a success.

And please leave me a comment and I will respond back to you as well.

Happy Holidays and to all of our success, Jim OBrien….

12 responses to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Atif Perwiz Avatar

    Jim, I will keep following you on your road to great things!! Atif

    1. Jim OBrien Avatar

      Hey Atif, Thanks for the comment! I will keep on sharing my exciting journey here.

  2. Denny Medeiros Avatar

    Hi Jim, you sound excited about your business! I too believe in getting mentoring to be successful in business! All the best and look forward to following your success!

    1. Jim OBrien Avatar

      Hi Denny, Thanks for the comment! I am very excited about my business and will continue to let you know about what unfolds here!

  3. Kate Loving Shenk Avatar

    Yes I love our community and support given by Dean and his team! 2024 will be a very good year!

    1. Jim OBrien Avatar

      Hi Kate, Yes Dean and the group are awesome! I am convinced 2024 is going to be a great year. Thanks for the comment.Look forward to chatting more soon.

  4. CJ Avatar

    In the vast sea of information, it is important to find a good mentor. Having a mentor allow one to cut through all the noise and focus on what is important.

    I am glad Dean’s mentorship is helping you move forward.


    1. Jim OBrien Avatar

      Hi CJ, Thanks for the comment. I do believe mentorship is so important. I will continue to use Dean’s
      mentoring to continue to grow my business.Look forward to talking to you more in the near future.

  5. Tom Avatar

    Hi Jim,
    that is great that you learn, but at the same time, you put into practice what you’ve learnt.
    Having a helping hand when you need it is priceless.
    Glad you making progress.
    Happy New Year 2024!

    1. Jim OBrien Avatar

      Hi Tom, Thanks for the comment. Yes we must not only learn, but also implement what we learn!

  6. Milissa Neirotti Avatar

    Hi Jim,
    Choosing a great resource with the additional support of a mentor is the way to go! Keep moving forward on your online business journey! I look forward to hearing more about your learning process.
    All the best,
    Milissa Neirotti

    1. Jim OBrien Avatar

      Hi Milissa! Thanks for the comment. I do believe that on this long and winding road of online business
      it is very important to learn as well as put into practice what we learn.I will continue to share this journey, so check in again shortly! Take Care…

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