Well I hope you had a great Christmas.I am taking a moment to write my second blog post to keep you informed on what I’m doing.
I have been going thru the new training with Dean Holland on the new Affiliate system which is amazing and has so much great new things to advance my business.
Before I went thru his accelerator course which was great after getting his awesome book that I read and was fantastic as well. Folks I can’t emphasize enough how important a mentor is..
It really helps to keep you from getting stuck.Well I am continuing to do lots of training with Dean and I am continuing to build my website and write my blog and working on other exciting things like traffic as well. So keep following me here,as I will keep posting every week,so you can see what I am doing from the beginning to make this online business a success.
And please leave me a comment and I will respond back to you as well.
Happy Holidays and to all of our success, Jim OBrien….
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