Category: Uncategorized

  • Trying New Things

    Hey Guys! Long Time No See! I have been away from here for three months. But I have been working on some new and exciting things for my online business world. I have been learning and setting up a new Facebook Ad Leads account, and learning and setting up a new Tik Tok account to…

  • Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

    Hey Guys! I have a lot of catching up to do on my websites as I mentioned last week. But I am trying to get more time dedicated to getting caught up. And like the old songs and sayings go….”A rolling stone gathers no moss.” So I plan on being a rolling stone and getting…

  • Exciting new stuff

    Well I am excited I am doing some new work on a new platform now. I am setting up a new Facebook Lead Ads  Business Account. It is exciting to start something new and different. I will be doing a lot of different things now to my old website, and to my Blog site, and…

  • Falling off the Horse

    Hey Guys! I first have to apologize for not being here the last few weeks. I have been extremely busy with other work stuff and a bunch of doctor appts. I have been getting my whole body checked out from head to toe, which I have not done in a long time.So far, for the…

  • Coaching

    Hey Guys! Today’s post is short and sweet. I just want to reiterate something that is very, very, very important and that I have messed up on myself sometimes. That is the importance of using coaching. When you have coaching available to you, whether it’s free or paid, use it. When people get stuck on…

  • Important Tips

    Hey Guys! Today I am going to tell you some great tips that I wrote down in a virtual event I was in the other day with my mentor Dean Holland. Stick to what is proven to work Be willing to feel uncomfortable now Stop avoiding- just do it You must become a person capable…

  • Goals

    Hey Guys! Today I am going to touch on a topic that is very important to everyone’s success, both in business and in your personal lives. That is the topic of goal setting. We must set goals to achieve the things we want in life. And as a mentor of mine Dean Holland pointed out…

  • Freedom

    Hey Guys! Happy 4th of July/ Independence Day! For those of you in America you truly appreciate this holiday as a reminder of all of those that sacrificed for our freedom in this beautiful country. Take a moment and reflect and be grateful and send out love and prayers to all. On that note, also…

  • Getting Stuck

    Hey Guys! We all get stuck at different points of our building an online business. The thing to remember is that this is normal. So don’t get upset, worried or frustrated. Put your hand to the plow of your work with joy and start digging. Looking back will give you an excuse as to why…

  • Happy Fathers Day

    Hey Guy! Happy Fathers Day! For all the hard working Dads out there I salute you! We all seem to have so many different hats we wear, as father, husband, co-worker,friend,boss and more. We need to take a little time to sit back and relax and be grateful for what we have and to really…