
Hey Guys!

Happy 4th of July/ Independence Day!

For those of you in America you truly appreciate this holiday as a reminder of all of those that sacrificed for our freedom in this beautiful country.

Take a moment and reflect and be grateful and send out love and prayers to all.

On that note, also lets take a moment and think about the freedom we can have once we have our online businesses up and rolling.

So as we think about freedom for our lives and our country, let us also think about the freedom we can have to do more things we love, and spend

more time with our families and friends and travel more, once we conquer our online businesses.

So go forth my wonderful people and achieve your dreams!

Until next time,

Jim O’Brien


5 responses to “Freedom”

  1. Ernie Avatar

    Hi Jim – This is such an encouraging message about freedom and gratitude. I, and I’m sure I’m not the only one, agree 100% with your message and your content. I hope you had a good 4th as well and have a fantastic weekend and week ahead!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Ernie!

      Thanks for the comment.
      Freedom and gratitude is so important.
      Hope you had a great holiday also and a great week ahead.
      See you in our group meetings.
      Take Care,
      Jim O’Brien

  2. Marc Avatar

    Hi Jim,
    Hope you had a great week-end and yes, as the son of a veteran and myself having retired from the Army, I can assure you that the word “freedom” has a totally different meaning in our family!
    All the best!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Marc!
      Thanks for the comment.
      I am sure freedom does have a different meaning in your family, and thank you for your service!

      Take Care,
      Jim O’Brien

  3. Atif Perwiz Avatar

    Jim, Your message is a wonderful reminder of the sacrifices made for freedom and the potential freedom that comes with building successful online businesses. Reflecting on both personal and national freedom is truly inspiring. Let’s all work towards our dreams and enjoy the benefits of our hard work. Thanks Atif

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