Under Construction

Hey Guys!

It’s another beautiful day in Paradise!

Today my blog looks a little different as I am under construction, and redoing structure and more on my blog page.

I am in the process of a makeover.

I am trying to rebuild and redesign my blog website.

It is a lot of work, especially with the new theme that I had gotten when I first built it.It is very in depth and complicated trying to maneuver all the tricky editing features.

So my lesson for today is that everyone has to go thru this, building and rebuilding parts of their websites, pages, ads ,emails and so much more.

So please don’t get discouraged , as this is a normal part of building and running an online business. From the brand new beginner, to the seasoned expert, we all have to continually do it.

So take a deep breath, and know it’s all gonna be ok!

Until next time,

Jim O’Brien

12 responses to “Under Construction”

  1. Kate Loving Shenk Avatar

    I look forward to seeing the new floor plans and results of the construction! What will change? What will it do to improve your business? Let us know!

  2. Atif Perwiz Avatar

    Jim, Thanks for sharing this! Your positive outlook is encouraging. Website makeovers can be challenging, but it’s great to hear your reminder that everyone goes through it. Taking a deep breath and pushing forward is key. Looking forward to seeing your new and improved blog! Atif

  3. Alison Blaire Avatar

    Jim, I am so excited to see the process of revamping your WordPress blog. I had a Fiverr artist do mine, and I want to make changes but am scared to mess anything up. Your post gives me the confidence to try and approach it as a learning experience versus this scary thing I have made it out to be. Look forward to seeing your progress!!!!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Alison!
      Thanks for your comment.
      Yes I am doing some big changes and new development, and it is mind boggling. But like you said we have to look at it as a learning experience and not something scary(even though it really kind of is).
      I am excited for you to see my progress as it unfolds.
      Until next time,

  4. Nakina Lawson Avatar

    Hi, Jim!
    Good luck with your site!
    You’re right. We all go through these technical endeavors.
    Best wishes and patience to you!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Nakina!
      Thanks for the comment.
      Yes it is an ongoing thing going through these technical endeavors.But we will succeed! I look forward to sharing my new stuff with you shortly.
      Take Care my fellow Texan.

  5. Sarah Goulding Avatar
    Sarah Goulding

    It’s inspiring to see you embracing the process of refining and enhancing your blog website! Your positive attitude and willingness to tackle the challenges of redesigning are truly commendable. Keep up the fantastic work, and I’m excited to see the results of your makeover!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Sarah!
      Thanks for the comment.
      Yes big changes are coming Sarah!
      I am going to be diving into a lot of rebuilding, redesigning, and enhancing my blog site for you and the world to enjoy.
      I look forward to sharing this with you soon.
      Take Care,

  6. Marc Avatar

    Hi Jim!
    Looking forward to the new digs!
    As you mentioned, the learning phase can be daunting when it comes to something new but as we progress, we are further ahead than we were yesterday!
    All the best!

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Marc!
      Thanks for the comment.
      I love your statement that as we progress, we are now further ahead than we were yesterday.
      And remember also….we are further ahead of 95% of the world when it comes to an online business.That is always encouraging!
      Take Care ,

  7. Eleanor Hope Avatar


    I have been quietly behind the scenes making changes mostly with layout, color, and logos changes. It’s not perfect but it’s better than when I started. I meant to post about it, but I should have taken screenshots of the before and after.

    Good luck with the changes, look forward to the new you.

    1. Jim O'Brien Avatar

      Hey Eleanor!
      Thanks for the comment.
      That’s great that you have been working on yours lately as well. It is a lot of work and confusion with some of these themes and their million different ways to edit stuff. Whew!
      It can be a little mind boggling. But we will overcome and achieve! I look forward to you seeing my new changes shortly.
      Take Care, Jim

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