Hey Guys!
Today I am going to talk about stepping stones.
When we get behind, or feel frustrated ,and we feel like we are never gonna get where we are supposed to be in our online business, remember this…
Imagine trying to cross a river, and it seems impossible.But if you lay down a stone in the water and then another and another, slowly but surely you can step on those stones one by one and get to the other side.
It makes the impossible, possible.
Remember the little poem you may have learned as a kid about the train trying to get up the hill.It would say, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, and eventually it made it up the hill.
Or the inch worm, who slowly slides inch by inch, until he makes it to his destination.
Or the turtle who crawls slowly but steadily and beats the hare in a race.
All these analogies are great to reflect upon when we find ourselves looking at a never ending future of work for our business, that seems hopeless.
Remember that doing one small thing daily, every day with consistency, will get us where we need to be.
Like the stepping stones across the river. So relax, take a breath, and just do “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” (remember that one!).
Until next time, like the guy on the beer commercial says “Stay thirsty my friend!’….
Jim O’Brien
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