
Hey Guys!

Well today i just want to talk about the importance of consistency.

It is great when we make some good progress and are happy and celebrate.

But the trap so many of us fall into is that then after we make that great stride, we kick back and say well now I can relax for awhile.

And that is good for a little while.But so often it turns into days and then weeks and then months.

And then we are lost and behind and don’t know where to start or how we are going to catch up.

Well take it from me, cause I’ve been there, you must just take a deep breath, and start one small step at a time, and over time, those small steps turn into something BIG that you have accomplished.

So relax and go!

Until next time,

Jim O’Brien

2 responses to “Consistency”

  1. Marc Avatar

    Hi Jim,
    Definitely something to continue working on: consistency!
    Your blog entry made me think how easy we can fall off that “band wagon” when we’re thriving!
    In comes “life” and oops, you’re back to your old habits!
    Worth revisiting and rereading many times; thank you for the reminder.

  2. Eleanor Hope Avatar

    Hi Jim,

    How right you are, thanks for the reminder.

    ‘just take a deep breath, and start one small step at a time, and over time, those small steps turn into something BIG that you have accomplished.’

    I am certainly getting better but still have a way to go and am much further along than I have in the past.

    One small step is all it takes so no need to get overwhelmed.


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