Hey Guys! I thought I would tell you about some of the mistakes I’ve made on this journey to success.
First of all ,I have learned that you have to focus.And let me tell you guys this is alot harder than you think.
Our brains are made to wander.They are just like a computer, and are thinking tons of thoughts per minute.
So, you really have to buckle down and concentrate when you are working on your business.
And there are so many aspects to our business that have to be created, implemented, tested and improved.
So you must concentrate or continue to reread what you are learning over again several times, which actually is not a bad idea.
Also PLEASE DO NOT follow all the shiny objects out there! It is so easy to start one project and be all excited about it .
Then all of a sudden see another product or business out there and say “WOW this looks cool and easier probably than what I am doing now.”
So you jump over and start that one. And then a little later see another easier better project and jump to that one.
And before you know it you have 10 businesses, but have mastered none of them.Believe me I have done it.
You never give yourself enough time on one project to fully see the benefits of it.
So please, as one of my most valuable pieces of info i can give you, stay the course on one project and I promise you will reap all the benefits
of the seeds you planted in a very, very fruitful harvest!!
So go get em!
Until next time, Jim OBrien….
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